
0418 135 304

Website Health Check

Why do you need a website health check?

There is a general misconception, that when a website is built, it will work seamlessly forever. The truth is it won’t. Websites break! Most of the time because a plug-in has stopped working, the php is an old version, the website is out-of-date, or it has been hacked and you have malware!

Servicing a website is like servicing a car, it should be done regularly. If you don’t then things tend to start falling apart.

When should you do a website health check?

When was the last time you checked or changed anything on your website? If the answer was more than a year ago then we need to chat. Here at 123 Digital we recommend your core updates are run monthly. However, there will be occasions when they will need to be done more frequently.

With that said, a little maintenance is better than no maintenance. So, if you are looking for a one off or a once a year check then see our Essentials package below.

Why trust 123 Digital

When you retain us to complete your website health check you can rest assured, we will have your success in mind. We will back-up your website before we begin and make sure that any modifications made to your core files will not be lost.

Below is a selection of cost options to make sure you get the service you need:

Health Check

Actioned Annually
$ 726

Annual Charge
  • Complete all WordPress security updates
  • Complete all WordPress Plugin updates
  • Check website for broken links etc and fix
  • Check meta titles & descriptions, add/update h1’s & h2’s were appropriate
  • Minify webpage's CSS resources
  • Fix URL Canonicalization
  • Fix any other issues identified

Managed WordPress Plan

Actioned Quarterly
$ 1397

Annual Charge
  • WordPress Core Updates (Run quarterly)
  • WordPress Plugin Updates (Run quarterly)
  • Hosting, incl 1 x domain & SSL Cert
  • Live Security Scans
  • Malware Removal
  • Emergency WordPress security updates (when required)
  • Daily Offsite Backups
  • Uptime Monitoring
  • Database Optimization
  • 1 hr/mth website changes

Things you might want to know

  • All prices include GST
  • Standard terms are 7 days, invoiced annually with hosting
  • Prices are given as a guide and are subject to change at any time
  • Discounts may apply to multiple projects – no hourly rates (sorry)
  • If you want a clear price for your project simply request a quote. We will always get back to you within one working day

Found what you need? We would love to hear from you

If you’re ready to discuss your website health check requirements, or would like a more detailed quote, then we would love to hear from you. We can be reached via our contact page or on 0418 135 304. The first consultation is FREE!


Website & Emails
$ 348

  • 1 x Domain
  • 1 x SSL Certificate
  • Daily Back-Ups
  • Technical Support


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