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15 questions to ask a Google Adwords provider

For small businesses new customers and growth in sales is always welcomed but setting up search engine marketing (SEM) campaigns such as Google Adwords can be complicated for the uninitiated. 

For many small businesses, the primary concern will be the initial set up cost, ongoing costs and the all-important return on investment (ROI). We’ll look at the questions every small business should ask the marketing consultant or agency they going to hire for their Google Adwords search engine marketing campaign.

One rule of thumb is to have an understanding about what your budget is going to be for your online ads excluding any compulsory admin/setup fees.

Here’s some relevant questions you can ask your Online Marketing Agency or Google Adwords consultant.

1.      What is the minimum contract term for my campaign?

2.      What are the SEM campaign management fees?

3.      Do you have a mark-up on Google Adwords spend?

4.      How much of my Ad spend or Google Adwords spend is actually spent on my ads?

5.      Do I have an option to pause the SEM campaign?

6.      What is Ad Scheduling and can I request Ad Scheduling for my campaign?

7.      Can I review my ads before the ads go live?

8.      How long are my ads on each day?

9.      How are the keywords selected or generated and who writes the ads?

10.  How can I participate towards offering keywords that relate to my business or service?

11.  Is the consultant Google Adwords Certified?

12.  Who manages my PPC campaign and will I receive a dedicated account manager?

13.  What reporting is available for the ad campaigns running for my business?

14.  Will my campaign use any negative keywords?

Ultimately you as a business owner must aim to have transparency on how your ads are served. It is also important to keep track of what you are paying in relation to your ads and management fees.

These tips will ensure you have a better grasp of your digital marketing expenditure.