
0418 135 304

How remarketing works

Google Remarketing can help you reach people who have previously visited your website. You can even show these previous visitors ads that are tailored to them based on which sections of your site that they visited. Your ads could appear to them as they browse other sites that are part of the Google Display Network or as they search for terms related to your products or services on Google.

How we can help you

The biggest challenge with search engine marketing (SEM) today is being remembered. It’s so quick and easy for people to jump from your website to your competitors’ websites. Combine that with being hit with thousands of advertising messages every single day, seriously, what chance do they have of remembering you? Google Remarketing drives home repetition of your brand, depending on your website, and online objectives, there are a range of different ways that we at 123 Digital can help. Below are just a few options:

  • Reach people who have previously visited your website as they visit other sites on the Google Display Network, including major websites such as Google, Yahoo, news sites and heaps of lesser known sites
  • Show ads to visitors who have previously viewed any page of your website with an ad targeted specifically to what they are searching for
  • Target people who bought from you with up-sell or cross-sell opportunities

Want to capture some of those lost leads? We would love to hear from you

If you want to discuss how we can help get your brand out there and increase the chance of your business being front of mind when people are ready to buy, get in touch. We can be reached via our contact page or on 0418 135 304.


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