
0418 135 304

Call it what you like, Marketing Consultants, Web Consultancy or Internet Marketing Consultancy

At 123 Digital pride ourselves on providing independent advice to help businesses take advantage of Print and digital channels to grow and improve their return on marketing spend.

More and more businesses are realising the benefits of using a marketing consultant or an internet marketing consultant. At 123 Digital our marketing consultants are specialists who are highly trained and certified across both print and digital mediums. We take a cohesive approach to your marketing by looking at the whole picture, including your online advertising, website, search engine optimisation (SEO), pay-per-click advertising (Google Adwords) Yellow and White Online and integrating them with your offline advertising (Yellow Pages and White Pages Print). With this approach we can help get your products and services exposed to more of your prospective customers. We would love help with either or both:


Internet Marketing Consultancy

We have achieved amazing results for our clients through consultancy and online marketing. We would love to have a chat with you and create an obligation free proposal on how we can direct a consistent stream of high quality visitors to your website and your door. Read more about Internet Marketing consultancy.


Yellow Pages & White Pages Marketing Consultancy

Our Consultants love data and love analysing data. With this slighting weird obsession and our extensive knowledge of Sensis’ product offerings, both Yellow Pages & White Pages we are confident we can make sure you are not only found but connect with your customer. Read more about Yellow Pages & White Pages Marketing Consultancy.

What’s in it for you?

Our Consultancy service takes the form of regular meetings with our clients, we will then evaluate the performance of your current advertising, suggesting ways and means of improvement for both attracting more traffic from the Internet and print and also methods of converting curious surfers into buying customers. We will let know what is working, what is not and why, as easy as 123. (yeah, we know, corny)

We would love to hear from you

If you want to know and understand if your advertising dollar is actually working for you, then we would love to hear from you. Please call us on 0418 135 304 or leave your details on our contact page anytime.


5 Tips to Optimise Your AdWords in 2018

http://123digital.com.au/adwords/google-adwords/ #1: No to Broad Matching Keywords According to Google AdWords, Broad Match “lets a keyword trigger your ad to show whenever someone searches for

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